
Our Vision

To live in a world where all men feel healthier, more personally responsible and meaningfully engaged with their lives (and the lives of others’)

Our Mission

To guide and support men in gaining the clarity, direction and confidence necessary to become authentic and admirable individuals

Hi there – Michael here. My own healing journey has led me around the globe, living in community and studying healing arts so I could answer a (literal) burning question: “How the f**k do I stop suffering?” I’ve learned a lot over these past 15 years, and mainly what I learned is I’ll never stop suffering, but I can live in such a way that makes it all worth it. My life’s mission is to connect with others, listen and learn from them, then offer whatever it is I have to as many people as I can so they can feel healthier and more meaningfully engaged in their own lives and communities.

One profound truth has emerged from my experience: The world needs YOU. It needs your unique qualities, talents, and skills. You are irreplaceable, and the absence of your authentic perspective diminishes us all. Life is a sacred opportunity to share what only you can offer. And in these uncertain times, there are too many men disengaged, anxious, confused and alone.

My vision for ‘Being You, Man’ is to grow a thriving community that offers support to as many men as possible. With this support, I hope to witness countless men assert their authentic visions in the World in a healthy and productive manner, and become the admirable men the World needs.

Please join our community so we can serve and support each other along this journey.

Michael Sousa

Experiential Guide & Owner

Who Are We?


Coming soon!

My full name is Katrin Fee and my English-speaking friends call me Fae. Even though I have emerged in the field of personal development and lifelong learning for many years, I have only recently delved into the depths of my own being. Sounds poetic, but it wasn’t. It was a dark dive into my own emptiness, loneliness and toxic shame that made me come out the other side and finally realize that there was nothing wrong with me at all. My way of adapting was to mirror and respond to the needs around me whilst disappearing from the inside.

My heart’s inmost longing is to undo the aloneness of myself and others. The painful self-abandonment has become a gift that I choose to share with others every day.

Frankly, I believe in being human, and tribal traditions that we have forgotten about. To me, being human means to gather. We were never supposed to do our work alone: We are made to resonate and relate to each other in our suffering and liberation. We are meant to share our deepest sorrows and greatest longings. There is nothing more powerful than a group of people who are committed to witness and accompany each other on their journeys of becoming.

My wish for everyone is to keep choosing NOT to do it alone. I would be honored to be invited to be with you and get to know your heart step by step.

Fae Winkenbach

Experiential Guide & Co-founder


Coming soon!

'Inventory' Release Schedule

Updated January 21, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I participate in therapy at Being You, Man?

No, we do not offer therapy services at "Being You, Man." Our focus is on guiding, which is a non-clinical support system aimed at helping men find clarity and direction in their lives.

What is the difference between "Therapy" and "Guiding"?

Guiding at "Being You, Man" is distinct from therapy in several key ways. While therapy typically involves a clinical approach to mental health, focusing on diagnosing and treating mental illnesses, guiding is about providing support and direction for personal growth and clarity regarding personal values. Our guides, although they are therapists by profession, do not diagnose or treat mental health conditions in their guiding sessions. Instead, they offer insights, support, and tailored resources to help you navigate your path forward with greater understanding and self-awareness.

Can I still use any of your services if I've been diagnosed with a mental illness?

Yes, you can still use our services if you've been diagnosed with a mental illness, but we reserve the right (and have a responsibility) to ensure your needs to do exceed the scope of our work with "Being You, Man". Our guiding sessions provide non-clinical support and are focused on personal growth and clarity: we do not and will not offer treatment for mental illness. Our services can complement your existing therapy and we welcome discussion about how best to complement other care you're receiving.

What if I need more "help" than what you can provide?

If you find yourself needing more support than our guiding services can offer, we'll assist in directing you to local and online resources, and other professionals who can provide the level of care you need. Our priority is your well-being, and we'll do our best to ensure you find the appropriate support, but we cannot and will not provide therapy through "Being You, Man" products and/or services.

Can I sign up for one-on-one guiding with Michael or Fae?

One-on-one guiding sessions with Michael or Fae are not available through "Being You, Man." Both Michael and Fae run separate businesses for working with individuals. If you are interested in this, please send a 'Contact' form with your information and your specific request.

Who else will be in the group guiding sessions?

In our group guiding sessions, you'll be joined by other men who are also seeking a clearer vision for their lives. It's a supportive environment where everyone is working towards personal growth and better understanding their own journeys.

What if I want to cancel my membership after signing up? Can I get a refund?

We understand that circumstances change and are committed to making the process as smooth as possible for you. However, monthly membership fees are non-refundable, but you can cancel at any time before your next billing cycle begins.

Can I participate in the membership group if I'm not a man?

Our group sessions are specifically designed for men seeking clarity and direction in their lives, so we limit participation to men only. This focus allows us to tailor our guidance to the unique challenges and experiences men face.

Can I join the Discord community if I'm not a man?

Sure, you can join our Discord community even if you're not a man. We don't check the gender of our members in this space, but please be aware that all topics and discussions are geared towards addressing men's issues. We (and our moderators) reserve the right to screen all member contributions. If we deem your contribution is not aligned with the focus our of vision or mission, then it will likely be moved to an off-topic channel or removed to maintain the relevance of our discussions.